As part of its campaign against Measure H, the SF Bicycle Coalition has notified us that there are more parking spaces than cars in San Francisco: our fair but congested city has "603,000 on-street and off-street parking spaces" but only "469,489 registered vehicles."

So why did we decide to sell our car after two years of driving around looking for a place to park it? The answer: this person, and the other (apparently) 133,511 people who have garages, but who fill them with piles of useless crap and park their cars on the street. This hallowed American practice triply robs honest citizens of what they seem to imagine is their constitutional right to store their cars on public property: 1) the parking space (or two) in this person’s garage is full of soggy cardboard boxes; 2) the car that should be in the garage is on the street (where we had hoped to park our car); and 3) the curb cutout giving access to the useless garage takes up yet another parking space. There's a pretend space between this driveway and the next—it’s too small even for this Mini. If your car is less than ten feet bumper to bumper, you can park here legally.