The bill passed after some sheninagans by the White House when sixteen Democrats chickened out and voted with the Republicans. Most of them came from supposed Red States who thought that President 25% Approval Rating could still whip people up into a War on Terror frenzy and got nervous. Well, all of the Senators who voted for it were from Red or Reddish States except for one-- San Francisco's own Diane Feinstein.

What? What? What?

In a statement, DiFi said ..."the United States is vulnerable" …yadda yadda yadda… 9/11… yadda yadda yadda…"Meesa gonna Die." Well, not exactly, but she did point out that apparently intelligence chatter is up these days, which could be a reference to Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff’s recent bout of indigestion or Trent Lott's admonition for all Washingtonians to leave DC quickly as possible as they were all about to get blown up. Or, you could look at it simply that Feinstein heard the reasonable arguments made by the Administration about how the legislation was necessary, how the terrorists were making more noise, and how well they’ll conduct oversight on themselves and trusted them.