Last night's innovative Chicken John/Josh Wolf Mayoral debate brought in "a dozen or so citizens," artists, and political fetishists. Even though it was on a Sunday night, anyone who cares about politics, SF, and progressiveness shouldn't have missed it.

Naturally, we couldn't make it. Big Brother was on, and we're concerned about Jen and the near-physically/sexually-violent way that men in the Big Brother house have been treating her. Also, it was nomination night. But we digress.

Justin Berton at Culture Blog, though, does have a breakdown of the quirkiness, good times, and the candidates' fashion decisions. Some highlights:

-- When asked whether their mothers were proud of them, Wolf said yes, and that "I saw her more in prison then I did before." Which? Is sad. And sweet. And brought a tear to our eye. We want to give him a big hug.

-- When asked "DC or Marvel?" Both respond "Marvel." Smart answer.

-- On SF's murder rate: Wolf says, "Cops are in occupation mode, not community mode." Chicken declares, "If art became our focus people would be nicer to each other."

-- Fun facts: Wolf makes Pruno (learned in clink?), Chicken knows how to make his car run on coffee grinds. (And they're great for using in soil. What can't they do?)

-- Burning Man co-creator John Law was there. Madcap!

Fore more, check out the debate in its entirety here.

Debate photo by the always fantastic Scott Beale