-- Ed Jew preliminary. [Chron]

-- SFPD station receives a car holding a dead body inside. [Examiner]

-- Bring out your garbage cans! [KRON4]

-- UN Chief Ban Ki-moon comes to SF. [Washington Post]

-- Firefighters mourned. [Chron]

-- Copyright fingerprinting at YouTube? [Inside Bay Area]

-- Scott Beale's got iFilm's coverage of Comic-Con 2007, Henry Rollins' earnestness. [Laughing Squid]

-- Nicole Ritchie gets four days in the clink. Boo. [Chron]

-- We're (maybe, possibly, probably) a blind item! Awesome! And we totally agree with you, mysterious homosexual blogger. Although we'd have much preferred "...ashamed to be a human being." [FCJ]