Hey, want to win tickets to see the Fray at Shoreline this Saturday? That's their sensitive pop ballad on the YouTube clip above, and Gomez and the SFist Krissy endorsed Eisley are opening!

We have to get the names of the winners to the folks offering us these tickets pretty quickly, so we'll give them to the fifth commenter on this post. Only registered commenters can win, because we'll need your email address to contact you for information if you're lucky number 5 (so get registering with Movable Type, you guest lurkers, you!)

Your time starts.... now! (We are going to be so bummed if no one comments on this post.)

Thanks to NowWhat.com for sponsoring the giveaway! They're about insurance, but they've also got some more Fray-related fun (click on the thing labeled "The Fray" on the desk that pops up.