--Apple iPhone madness begins! That's a picture of the line in SF yesterday night by photo genius Steve Rhodes, who reported around 60 people in line by midnight. We're hoping to have more pictures of the madness starting at 6 p.m. today by tomorrow! [Steve's Flickr picture; Justin.tv video footage; Gizmodo; the Chron; the Merc News; the Trib; CBS 5.]

--No one will say who bought Carole Migden her billboards. [SFBG Politics Blog.]

--Hey, not cool! Carole Migden lashes out at Gavin blogger Beth Spotswood! [I'll Flip You. Flip You For Real.]

--More Fastrak lanes on the Bay Bridge. [The Chron.]

--Remember the guy who tried to stop the hit and run driver and ended up flipping the car onto himself? It turns out he fractured his pelvis, and he's suing the city for designing a bad onramp. [The Examiner.]

--Wait a minute... they're inviting corporations to participate in Burning Man? [Business 2.0 -- page 66. Thanks to our reader for the tip!]

--A map of local independent bookstores. [Gridskipper.]

--An R2D2 mailbox! [The Snitch.]