An old crank's written a piece for the SFGate today either decrying or praising (we must confess we can't quite tell) our current crop of city supervisors as "a clown show."

A clown show? Why? Just because one guy who doesn't even live here owns every single kind of business that's being investigated by the city (oh, Ed Jew, a taxi medallion too?), another was spotted at the Drunk-n-Horny party, yet another posed in a local magazine in a Speedo, a fourth got made fun of on the Daily Show, and a fifth accidentally got himself sued? We're not even counting the sixth one, who doesn't ever show up to meetings except to tsk-tsk at the seventh. What makes that a clown show?

Of course it's a clown show!! That's why we love it! By contrast, the Bay Guardian, always the serious older sibling to our wacky youngest-child antics over here on the Internet, says the board is a clown show, and the article wasn't funny. Okay, we'll admit we didn't really quite get the point of the Chron's article, except to rehash some wacky tales about the gays from an article the author wrote about the 1995 Board of Supes -- but ha ha ha! Clown show.

You can read the Chronicle's reader comments here.

Picture from Flickr by JEM Photography.
