So many recalls afoot these days, we're starting a new column! Today's recall news: a reader passed along these pictures of today's rather-sparsely attended Recall Peskin rally on the steps of City Hall. Looks like they got about a quarter of the 40 folks who signed the Peskin recall petition in the first place -- and it looks like we're the only people who even have news of the event up anywhere online.
Our source called it "a show of farce," reporting that the only excitement was a moment when the videographer (pictured at left) was asked if he was a Peskin agent, you know, like that George Allen macaca incident. No response, and then the speaker was like, "he didn't deny it." Oooh. Also, as you can tell from the less-than-lusty "Recall Peskin" chants on the audio clip below, it might be a challenge getting those 3300+ signatures for the recall petition.
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In other recall news, Kim Knox from Left in SF has filed an ethics complaint against the people running the McGoldrick recall because adorable gadfly Kimo Crossman discovered they're not properly registered as lobbyists.
Not to be outdone, the folks running Recall Daly say in response that they've filed an ethics complaint too, over the politicking in Supervisor Chris Daly's blog. We're like, wow, Daly finally updated his blog yesterday!
After the jump: pictures of the excellent signage at the Recall Peskin rally, including "Peskin Doesn't Care If You Can't Have A Pet."