You stay classy, Bary.

Bonds was not punished but had to go to treatment and counseling, something Deadspin has a little fun with as they picture Barry in group counseling. That is part of MLB policy for a first time offender. They are also not supposed to release the names of people who test positive, but this being about Barry Bonds, the name got out there.

What does this all mean? Well, it hasn't escaped people's notice that Barry still hasn't really been signed to his $16 million dollar contract (supposedly, they're haggling over Barry's posse). If ever the Giants wanted to say "good riddance" to the dude, now would be a good time to do it. We doubt they will, however.

Oh yeah, there's still another issue out there, that being Barry being only twenty two home runs away from breaking Henry Aaron's home run record. Wouldn't you love to be Bud Selig right now?