Your latest victim of taped recordings is our Governor who is occasionally taping himself for all the future historians out there to document his governing genius. As if. A six minute part of the tape found itself in the hands of the LA Times -- you know, shady political maneuvering, Deep Throat, all that jazz. The tape in question is a bunch of bland blathering about something or other, but the item that is getting the attention is Arnie and aide Susan Kennedy discussing the ethnic background of Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia and then saying whatever her ethnicity, it's the kind that makes someone "hot." "Hot" as in temperament, not looks, or the idiotic mutterings of blonde bimbo heiresses.

The LA Times tried to turn it into a big deal, hyping it like, in an effort to turn it into the Governor's "Macaca" moment. All pretty much the wishes of whatever Democratic operative leaked the tape.

One problem, though, the tape really isn't that big of a deal. You can listen to it here but it's pretty boring. It's also pretty apparent that at this point, other than maybe secretly being an Al Queda member or kidnapping pretty blonde girls, the Governator is pretty shockproof. After all, he's pretty much been caught and even admitted to doing things that would make your average voter blush and Bill Clinton get a wistful and slightly jealous look in his eye. Besides, Arnie is definitely not George Allen. We know he's down with minorities and it was his father who dreamed of being in a racist organization, not him.

Anyways, Arnie apologized for the comment today with Ms. Garcia at his side. In other words, big yawn. Now, if we could only create a scandal over his slipping in a bill that gives all of his aides a big, fat raise.