Washington, D.C. Federal District Court says the FCC has no power to foist the broadcast flag upon our wonderful gadgets. The forces of evil Rightsholder lobbyists shall decend on Congress. Gigi Sohn points out that constituents probably don't want their TV's f**ked with by their elected representative.

Speaking of rightsholder lobbyists, Hillary Rosen (former chair of the RIAA) gets all mad that she can't put her DRM-laden Windows Media files on her DRM-laden iPod, or her iTunes music purchases on her iRiver. "Oh, the irony!" copylefters cry, and have a good laugh at her expense. In other Apple news, there's an Exploit in Safari that let people force dashboard widgets upon you (we asked politely). We have a conspiracy theory about browser exploits like this. And speculation abounds over the addition of QuickTime playback to iTunes.

In brief: Google -- hacked or just asleep at the domain registration switch (Om Malik estimates the cost)? Shooting animals over the internet banned in California, but still legal in Texas. David Sifry of Technorati apologizes for naming a category in their new OpenMedia 100 list "Forefathers" -- renamed "Pioneers" so as to make clear a penis is not required.

And we'll leave off with a blind item:

Which two huge Valley players have been seen canoodling in the boardroom, thisclose to a merger? Think Macromedia and Adobe crossed with Tom and Katie big when these two are spotted holding hands while they discuss which positions are redundant and who can be outsourced, probably by next week.