...had the server not been down. (Things look a little better now after hours, but expect further delays tomorrow). Update: Hey! Comments are back! Try 'em so we can see if they're still screwed up!

They had the cable car bell-ringing contest today. The 4-time champ was unseated by another former champ. Jan Wahl won best celebrity ringer, and donated her $1000 to Pets Unlimited. Our only question -- who else competed? Please say Chris Daly.

Barbara Boxer sold her house in Marin and is moving to Jack London Square. She looks like a chicken and waffles aficionado, doesn't she?

...and the man married to Tori Spelling, Clint Reilly, is suing to prevent the sale of the San Jose Mercury News on antitrust grounds. You may remember he did this once before, to try and stop the Fang family from buying the Examiner. He lost, but it was a lurid fight. We kind of hope he wins this one, though; the guys who want to buy the Merc News kind of suck.