That's right, Harmon and OJ, sharing the screen. In Harmon's words:

Some (let’s call them the sane) would be apprehensive to work with OJ. But I couldn’t pass up the gig. Jobs, especially acting jobs, are few and far between, And what better way to both make a few needed bucks in this Republican-no-new-jobs economy, and infiltrate the heart of asinine celebrity reality television, than by fully immersing myself in the inner-circle of the most notorious celebrity in history. I’m going to be Kato Kaitlin to OJ’s OJ. Yes, I'm going to be OJ's funny 2nd banana.

Harmon and OJ fake a disagreement in front of unsuspecting music video auditioners, fake an altercation on the golf course, and fake an argument at a bingo game, among other uncomfortably awkward sounding scenarios. Are you sensing a theme here? Harmon and OJ, fake fighting (we hope for Harmon's sake that OJ isn't a Method actor) all over LA? This could be awful, or brilliant, or, we hope, both.

You can see the first episode of "Juiced" tonight at 10.