Well, it's not quite Bush stealing Florida or anything, but due to circumstances out of our control, the previous Gavin-Sofia couple name election has hit some woes -- it looks like the polling program we were using has crashed. Not only has it crashed, it appears to crash the whole SFist site (at least on Internet Explorer) as well. Darn it!

Here, though, because we're San Francisco, we're going to make the Democratic Party's 2000 dreams come true -- we're going to vote again! (There are so many free poll hosting sites out there!). Click away and we'll announce the winner on Monday! (Unfortunately, this poll hosting service does not allow multiple votes.)

And in breaking news: Gavin and Kimberly's divorce is now final. Vote for Ms. Milos guilt!

What Should We Call Gavin and Sofia?
CSI: Plumpjack
the GavLos
Free polls from Pollhost.com