As you might imagine, Bill O'Reilly's comments about our fair city deserving a terrorist attack managed to raise a few hackles, including Chris Daly's, who was so angered by Bill's hot-headed comments that he got hot-headed himself and called on Fox News to fire him. (Editor's note-- Wouldn't you love to see a Celebrity Death Match type battle go down between O'Reilly and Daly? Wouldn't that be awesome? Our money would totally be on Daly too, 'cause nobody puts Daly in the corner) . And Aaron Peskin said something along the lines about Bill being hyped up on Oxycontin, just like Rush Limbaugh. So O'Reilly went on the radio and tried to set the record straight.

You can read the entire transcript for yourself, but here are some of the highlights:

-Said President Bush should go to Union Square and tell everyone pretty much what Bill has been saying, which would totally never happen because Bush is too afraid to go near San Francisco, let alone give a speech in Union Square

-Called all the press in the city "radical left" and accuses the Chron of being a "radical newspaper." If the Chron is radical, what does that make the Bay Guardian?

-Claimed that Friday's big story in the Chron about his statements were a "cheap-shot" and typical of the Left, then goes on to call people here a "disgrace," "selfish," "radical" and "facist."

-Said we San Franciscans "hate America" and that we think we're so much better than everyone else. But isn't that the point of San Francisco?

-Accused Gavin of being a coward for not appearing on his TV show and wonders if Gavin is still okay with the whole gay marriage thing, something we think having an 86% approval rating pretty much answers.

Oh, and:

- "… I love the city, it's a great city"

Image from Inflatable Dartboard, via Crooks and Liars