Well, maybe a little too much Bacardi was sipped at Gavin's 38th birthday bash last week, held (where else?) at the Gettys' -- Matier and Ross are reporting that wife-on-hold Kimberly Guilfoyle had to be separated from another guest when words got ugly. Yesssssss!!!

After Kimmie's triumphantly gushy toast about how she loves Gavin just as much today as she did when she first met him, word has it that Dad Guilfoyle was chatting it up with the wife of Gav's protective press secretary Peter Ragone about the status of the on-again off-again divorce, and Janine Ragone said, "Sometimes the things she says in public don't come off right in the papers." Apparently Mr. Ragone hasn't been too pleased with Kim ever since that Harper's Bazaar photo spread came out. Oh, we miss those days!

Gossip gossip buzz buzz buzz -- word about the comment gets back to Kimbers, who apparently flips out and starts in on Mrs. Ragone. Much like the Guilfoyle-Newsom marriage at issue, Kim and Janine are temporarily separated, but then somehow end up back together for an "expletive-laden" round two. It got so bad that Steve Kawa, Newsom's chief of staff, decided it would be best just to load Kim and Gavin (who apparently had absolutely no idea that any of this was going on) into a waiting car tout de suite.

You think Matt Gonzalez's birthday party would have ended like this?

Go Gavin, it's your birthday -- We gonna party like it's Gavin's birthday -- sip Bacardi like it's Gavin's birthday!