Our interview adventure began as we tracked down the tour handler, Freekshow (that’s not a typo, really, that’s what he likes to be called and how he spells it). Freekshow proceeded to hustle us into the back of an unmarked white van. The band was still unwinding from their set so we sat in silence as we drove into the bowels of Shoreline Amphitheater. The only excitement came when the band spotted some “fuzz” and the driver assured them that he was “on it”. At long last we joined the band in their trailer. We were hoping for something pimped out with all kinds of food and bevs (hello, we read the The Smoking Gun, we know what kinds of things go on in there) and were disappointed that there was only a Saran-wrapped plate of veggies that never got touched. As Freekshow left to procure some beer and hash, SFist began the interview.

SFist: Would you like the hard or easy questions first?
Matt: The hard ones.

SFist: Ok, but they’re pretty probing
Darren: Probing?! You’re going to probe us? Where? How? We like being probed.

SFist:: You’re definitely in the right area for that but no. The question is which member of Ambulance Ltd. is most expendable, and why?
Marcus: [Stunned Silence]. Are you serious?

Photos by Rebecca Gholdston