The more eagle eyed among you might have noticed some changes to our masthead today. SFist Jackson West, SFist's editor since our launch in July 2004, has taken on the role of SFist's Editor at Large. After a month-long and certainly well-deserved vacation, he promises all of us that he will be back writing the posts we all know and love and getting drunk with San Francisco's movers and shakers. Freed from the administrative duties of his former position, he's going to be spending more time on his own projects, all of which you can keep abreast of at his site. We can't wait to see what he does next.


With Jackson's decision to change roles, SFist Eve Batey was all alone in the Editor's office, and she didn't like it. Luckily for her, SFist Rita Hao has agreed to join Eve as Co-Editor. Formerly one of our Associate Editors, Rita has been writing for SFist since the beginning. We hope that with the additional burden of the co-editor role Rita will still have time to Read The Weeklies, because no one else really wants to.

What does this mean for you, as a reader of SFist? Not too much, actually. From the beginning, we've been delivering great Bay Area content five days a week, and we don't plan on changing that any time soon. As for us at SFist, we're excited to have Jackson and Rita in their new roles, and are anticipating great things from the both of them. Congratulations, you two!