Okay, we're going to have a little fun at someone's expense here, but we feel that they deserve it. Or at least, we deserve to. Because we feel rather jerked around, and were ready to ignore it, but recent events have made us feel all the more belittled. So with our viciously sharp HTML claws, we'd like to dig in to the Blog Business Summit's PR department.

We wanted to cover the Blog Business Summit because hey, the blogs, they started here. And now they're all the buzz, with everyone looking to cash in -- which is fine by us, as we make a little scratch at SFist and wouldn't mind making a lot more. Plus, some folks we really respect were going to be speaking and attending. Seemed like a good story to cover with, granted, plenty of snarky perspective. Brian over at The Bay Area is Talking thought so too, and is busy covering the event. But you won't be seeing us anywhere near The Palace Hotel this week.

After the jump, we inquire as to accreditation, smell something fishy, and then have the fishy smell stuffed into our face like our big brother used to with his dirty socks.

Photo of bullshit from Cow Pieology 101 - The Study of Cow Pies by Dr. Keith Lusby and Dr. Tom Troxel of the University of Arkansas.