We were thinking a lot about that snake during the short "Human No More," mainly because the film tested our nerves after the first eight minutes or so, and our minds began to wander. Not much happens in this story of a detective dealing with the grisly murder of his family, but what does happen is, while suitably gory, completely ridiculous. By the end, it all came off as an excuse on the part of the filmmaker to play around with a groovy new lens. To put it bluntly, we hated it.

Once the main feature, Satan's Playground, began, however, the lost snake left our minds (except for a brief moment when a snake appeared in the film. We had to lift out feet off the floor for that scene). Set in a time before cell phones, the plot is your basic horror film cliche: Family on vacation. Car breaks down in the woods. One by one they all leave the safety of the car to try and get help, even though that means wandering into the scary woods, and knocking on the door of a dilapidated house. Which is home to one f**cked up old lady and her two crazy, middle aged kids.

Oh, and the woods are also inhabited by the Jersey Devil.