If this blog entry suddenly disappears, you'll know why -- P.J. Corkery of the Examiner reports that after his column gently mocking Tony Hall and P.J.'s friend Frank Gallagher as "the Laurel and Hardy" of San Francisco over the Rent shenanigans ran, he received an angry, rambly voice mail from Mr. Hall himself. After defending himself at great length, Hall then said, "PJ, this is personal. When you get personal, I don't like that. Because that means it's a fight -- a two-way street. And we have our own ways of going about things."

Um, yikes! Mr. Hall, we hope you don't read this website -- we're not very good at fighting. We never meant any of those things we said about you, honest! And please don't run over Mr. Corkery in your SUV that city taxpayers are paying $948 a month for! It's so hard to find entertaining political columnists these days!