Links to Giants blogs pop up once in a while on SFist. Have you ever looked at them? If you have, hopefully you got to Waiting for Boof, where you'll find not only well-conceived baseball analysis, but damned funny writing too. WFB is the brainchild of San Mateo's own Grant Brisbee and is widely recognised among the tiny community of Giants blogs fanatics as the best written Giants blog out there. It never ceases to amaze SFist how many pop references and cultural allusions can be jammed into WFB's obsessive baseball writing without bowling over the actual baseball content. (And for those of you wondering, the "Boof" in question used is a guy named Boof Bonser who used to be in the Giants minor league system but who has since been traded. And the name of the website may or may not constitute a Beckett reference.)

So anyways, because it's really late on Thursday night and SFist wants to go to bed, and in the interest of showing you a fine example of lazy writing, the rest of this piece will consist of barely edited cut-and-pastes of an electronic correspondence between SFist and Waiting for Boof. Enjoy!