Two construction workers were killed and two others remain missing after yesterday's huge explosion in Walnut Creek. A third person is still unaccounted for, but they think he might be an injured man who walked to the Kaiser ER. Six others are in the hospital with injuries. One of the men killed had been laid off a few weeks prior and just been recently rehired.

EBMUD was doing some construction in the area -- some guys with a welder, others with a backhoe. The workers in the backhoe accidentally cut into a pipeline that sent jet fuel to the San Jose airport, which then burst into flame from the welding irons. There was a huge explosion, and the fireball reached several stories high.

3905384_120X90.jpgThe pictures from this are pretty horrific. One witness said, "I thought I was in Fallujah for a moment." Rescue workers are sending people today to crawl into the water pipes where the missing men were last seen. They're proceeding cautiously because there's a possibility that puddles of fuel might reignite, like they did last night.