We haven't read the bios of every candidate for the Board of Supervisors (hell, there are twenty-two of them in District Five alone and we have a lot of other things to do - like studying all the propositions) but we are pretty sure that only one can claim to being an ex-yoga teacher. Or a sitcom writer. And that candidate would be David Pascal of District 2. His resume so far includes running the late, lamented B17 Bikram Yoga studio in the Mission as well as being a consultant, video game designer, and a sitcom writer. He has also worked with at-risk youth and is currently in charge of Business Development for the Global Citizen Center. David, who is running against the heavily favored (not to mention heavily funded) Michela Alioto-Pier has the endorsement of Matt Gonzalez, Chris Daly, and the San Francisco Bay Guardian.

What? You were expecting another member of the Skull & Bones Society?