Is it just us, or is it just sort of hilarious that a two-bed one-bath condo on 18th Street is being offered at $737,000 and a single-family house in Pacific Heights is listed at $4.9 million? While we're not quite as sick as New York, we're not really much better either.

So, on the real estate as entertainment tip, SFist has been reading Carol Lloyd's Surreal Estate for a couple of years now. Topics covered include: where Matt Gonzalez and Gavin Newsom live; how agents sell those monster Pacific Heights homes; people who redecorate your house to make it look nicer at open houses; tricks for finding cheaper houses; and, of course, will the real estate bubble ever burst?

This week, Surreal Estate tackles the issue of letters that bidders write to sellers. Do they work? (Nah. But you can make someone feel really bad they're going to give your house to someone who bid $100,000 more than you). Meanwhile, we'll keep stopping by open houses on Sundays (for decorating tips!) and flipping through the free San Francisco Real Estate glossies we see on the street corners (like porn!). Please feel free to share your best Housing Bubbles stories with us, either in the comments or directly to the editor, and we'll see if we have enough to start a regular feature.